Make Sure Your Business Can Always Pay the Bills
If you or a co-worker is unable to work and generate income due to sudden disability, Business Overhead Expense Insurance can be used to meet the ongoing expenses of your business. It can help in the following ways:
- Keep the business running and retain valuable employees by paying their salaries
- Provide on-going fixed expense coverage, such as rent, property taxes, and utilities
Business Overhead Expense Insurance is the right choice for you, if:
- You are an accountant, a lawyer, a physician, or the principal owner of a closely held business or practice
- Your income is required to cover fixed business expenses
Overhead Business Insurance
In case of situations when you or your business partner is unable to work because of a disabling injury or illness, we will provide you professional solutions to take care of your business expenses. We will help you in getting an overhead business insurance that will cover your monthly expenses in order to keep your business running. It’ll also cover the costs of operation of your business. Most of the overhead business insurances typically last for a small period up to 24 months and cover both short and long term disability, and we will provide thorough knowledge about them.
Keyman Insurance
Another important aspect of your business is “Keyman Insurance”, and we can help you with it. Keyman insurance is a policy where the employer is the proposer and pays the premiums for the life insured of his key employee. In case of a claim, the benefit goes to the employer. The main objective of this policy is to safeguard the company in case of the untimely death of the keyman with insurance proceeds received.
Buy/Sell Agreements
Business partnerships often overlook this very important tool in keeping the business running, once a partner either gets seriously ill or passes. The first step is to make sure there is a properly drafted agreement in place which is best prepared by lawyers to make sure the agreement accurately reflects the partners’ intentions for the business. Once an agreement is in place, it is important to have a funding solution in place to make sure that the agreement is executed and the business carries on. We have working relationships with lawyers and accountants who can provide you with their expertise to put a buy-sell agreement in place. Once an agreement is in place, we will design the right plan for you to fund the buy-sell agreement.
Group Benefits and Health Plan
In today’s fast-paced business environment, it is important that employers take care of their employees who contribute to the financial growth of the company. To make sure that your employee’s wellness and future are secured, we can provide you with simple and comprehensive group health insurance solutions. We will help you get the best possible group health insurance policy that will balance the need of your employees with the price that your company is comfortable with. For more information, contact us.